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  • Writer's pictureSchool Strike 4 Climate

Strikers & Young People Turnout At Polling Booths Across the Country Urging Everyone to #VoteClimate

Young people urge all voters to choose politicians who will:

1. #StopAdani 2. Say no to new fossil fuels, 3. Commit to 100% Renewables by 2030

Young people are mobilising en masse this election to put climate change front and centre of voters’ minds when they hit the polling booths.

Across Australia, school students and young people will be out in force with their friends at dozens of polling booths across the country to engage with voters about climate action and distribute #ClimateElection Scorecards.

Youth enrolment is also at an all-time high, with climate change a number one issue for young voters.

Locations where large numbers of school strikers and young people will be on polling day include:

VIC: Macnamara, Kooyong, Maribyrnong, Corangamite

NSW: Wentworth, Banks, Cook, Blaxland, Warringah

QLD: Brisbane, Herbert

SA: Boothby, Mayo

ACT: Canberra

TAS: Franklin, Bass, Clarke, Braddon

WA: Curtin

In addition to these locations, school strikers will be at dozens of other locations displaying their climate action signs and speaking with voters to remind them to put climate action first this election.

“Whatever happens on May 18 will shape the next decade of what this country and the world could look like. We’ve only got 11 years or else we’ll enter a state of irreversible damage. We need every government from now to act on this climate crisis by committing to #StopAdani, leave all fossil fuels in the ground, and switch to 100% renewables 2030,” first time voter and school striker Fatima Kidwai said.

“This election is a referendum on our future. We are turning out at polling booths across the country to vote for a safe climate and remind every adult of their responsibility to do the same,” first-time voter Martin Armstrong, of Townsville, said.

Strikers and young people, including first time voters are available for comment on request.

Media Enquiries

0427 485 233 & 0437 316 331

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